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Q: Would a raised bed planter box be considered a permanent structure?
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What can you use in a raised box planter to cut down on topsoil?

Pop bottles. Put a few small rocks in the bottle and cap it. Put in the bottom of a large planter. Can put soil in over the bottles or layer a fiber cloth (even newspaper) over the bottles then put in enough soil for planting.

What P is the name of the raised structue at the stern of a vessel esp a sailing ship?

This raised structure is known as the 'Poop' deck.

How should you carry a pike pole?

while outside a structure, head down. the head shall be raised when entering the structure.

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establishment of joint-stock companies

What is a parapet?

a low protective wall or railing=along the edge of a raised structure=

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A belvedere is a turret or raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area.

What were children called if they went to other families?

a child raised by someone who is not its natural parent and for a temporary period is known as a 'foster child'. A child raised by another parent on a permanent basis is known as 'adopted'

What position did Jefferson Davis hold before the Civil War?

he was a planter, politician, and a solider born in Kentucky.

What are the castles parapets used for?

a parapet is a low protective wall or railling along the edge of a raised structure such as a roof or balconey

Can a child born in Mexico to Mexican parents brought to America as baby and raised American until adult be considered for residency?

Of course, even if he or she isn't raised as an American. For instance, the "Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger (born and raised Austrian) is on the path to US Presidency.

What is a what-a-chair?

A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs or another type of structure, commonly used to seat a single person.

What is a chair?

A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs or another type of structure, commonly used to seat a single person.