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capricorns are aggressive/passive....they have the passion the Leo needs but the Leo is strong. can be rough relationship. can it work.....yes. love covers all

Surely works enough if Capricorns have passion towards Leos.Capricorn=earth,

Leo=fire. earth+fire=lava. Some do like it hot!

Leo's need to be bathed in warmth, admiration, affection, and love in many cases. Eventually, a Capricorn's more reserved, almost introverted emotional style could be percieved as being cold or disconnected. Hasn't worked in my experiences....even in the case when I wished that it had. Good Luck.


Be stylish, interesting, and upscale to get a Capricorns attention. To win their heart, prove you're consistent, responsible, financially independent, and totally loyal. Seems like a tall order, and yes mr/ms Cap can be controlling, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

Capricorn - Leo : A high level of public recognition works for both.

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Q: Would a relationship t between a Virgo and Capricorn last?
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A Virgo and capricorn have been together for 7 years would a Virgo ever take back a capricorn after he was being cheated on?

i would most likely say yes, im a virgo myself and its so much natural magnetism between 2 earth signs, if he doesn't she has mostly hurt him deep and made him colder.

Would marriage between Capricorn and Virgo work when Virgo woman is 15 years older?

Age is only a number. Virgos and Capricorns usually love each other.

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Should a Virgo fall in love with another Virgo?

Yes absolutely the same sign Virgo for both the Man and Woman would ensure compatibility. However, other signs for Virgo are Taurus and Capricorn which would be compatible too.

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You can't have a perfect match only through the sun sign. Even then, I'm not sure if there is a thing as such as the perfect match as all relationships will come with lessons. But capricorn, cancer, pisces, scorpio and virgo can work really well for a taurus.

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What is the best sign for A Virgo women?

Traditional Astrology would recommend a Taurus or Capricorn for a Virgo woman. Depending on her chart, she could also be compatible with a Cancer or Pisces.

What star signs are compatible Capricorn?

Depends on what ascendant your born, Like me I'm a capricorn and my ascendant is Sagittarius so i get along well with Leo,Aquarius,Aries I always tend to argue or fight with Scorpio,Virgo,Pisces and Taurus. Hope this has helped you.

Would a marriage between Virgo and Capricorn work when Virgo is much older than Capricorn?

virgo, they are known to be more mature for their age, so according to me age should be no bars..... moreover capricorns are know to be bit more serious when young and tend to relax with age.....and as they grow older their company become more pleasant.... so if all other things are fine age should not be of much prob as both of them are quite mature

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Capricorn is too businesslike and Aries is too impatient.

How would a female Aquarius and a male Virgo be in a relationship if they were to be in love?

They would have to be friends first.

What is a Gemini Capricorn?

Not necessarily, Capricorn is a more reserved earthly sign... Gemini is an outgoing intellectual air sign... Conflicts would be frequent in a love relationship - but then again no one should base their relationships solely on zodiac alone. I've seen exceptions were the most incompatible signs have done pretty well together; if at least for a couple years before things get real messy... Capricorn would be better off with Scorpio, Taurus, and Virgo. Gemini would be better off with Aries, Aquarius, and Libra. ;)