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Mohammad Lobanei

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Q: Would a sinner be sent to purportory purgatory or punishatory to receive punishment for his or her sins?
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What punishment did Pandora receive?

She was awesome!

Do both genders receive capital punishment equally?

Both genders do in fact receive capital punishment equally. This is of course only the case if they are of legal age.

What punishment did Copernicus receive because of his ideas?

he was arrested by the church

What is the word that best describe a sinner that will receive punishment?


What punishments do the wealthy receive in hell?

The wealthy do not receive any punishment in hell for the sake of being wealthy, if they have come by their wealth honestly. It is how they put their wealth to use which can determine their reward or punishment.

What is the punishment in Nebraska for stealing books from the library?

Punishment fro stealing books from the library is the same punishment one would receive for any theft in the state.

What did Catholic people pay to stay out of purgatory?

To stay out of purgatory, Catholics paid an "indulgence". Indulgences reduced time in Purgatory for sins that are already forgiven, they didn't necessarily keep you completely out of Purgatory. Also, the giving of money [meant as alms for the poor, but at one point was taken by the clergy (even then it wasn't an approved practice and was considered Simony)] to receive an Indulgence was stopped by Pope Pius V in 1567.

What punishment did Joan of Arc receive?

She was condemned to being burned at the stake.

What kind of punishment did they receive?

They would receive massive and little punishments such as getting drowned or having to clean up messes

What is the punishment if a person challenges constitution?

There is no punishment to challenging the US Constitution. In the Bill of RIghts we are given the right to free speech and the right to publish what we see fit. Therefore, you will receive no punishment for challenging the Constitution.

What was the worst type of punishment that you could receive in Egypt?

Being sent to the gold mines

What punishment Anne and her family receive for not turning themselves in voluntarily?

They where forced into concentration camps.