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No offense but I don't think you have much of a chance even if she is looking for a boyfriend. ================================== Anyone has an equal chance, man. It's not about what you look like, it's about what you do. If the person who asked the question really worked towards meeting her and gave her a positive impression, then why not?

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Q: Would annasophia Robb like a boyfriend because i am availabale?
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Would annasophia robb like a boyfriend because adan efron are available?

She doesn't want a boyfriend right now, sorry.

Why Annasophia Robb doesn't want a boyfriend?

that last answer is good cuz i would totaly go out with hershe doesn't want one. she goes to public school now and it's an all time thing and then she also has acting so there is not time for boyfriends.i think she did date Elliot lawless from bridge to terabithia they were seen together 2008 kids choice awards I'm pretty sure this is him with his arm around her shoulder said in an interview that she is dating.

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It is in Denver, CO. It is invasive to her privacy if I would tell you the exact location though :(

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If your the right type of person and rember you don't have to act perfectally annasophia is a human but be careful not to be extremly soft you don't want to give off the wrong message Your friend javell

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yes. that would be awesome. only if the pain didn't last that long.

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because u like him,so causing you to love him, or else he wouldn't be your boyfriend,isn't it?

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i think she would love both of them most because your boyfriend is part of the family