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Q: Would another major genocide fix the overpopulation problem?
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the literal proposal was that the Irish, who at that time had an overpopulation problem and a wealth gap, should sell babies under the age of 1 as a kind of delicacy. Swift said this would relieve the overpopulation problem, reduce the population of catholics (who he said were the most proliofic breeders) and would feed the hungry while providing poor mothers with a source of revenue. He was of course being sarcastic, and was trying to call attention to the wealth and hunger problem of Ireland brought on by the invasion of the English by suggesting something outlandish

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You would have to hide your trash due to homeless cats and can stop homeless overpopulation by not letting your dogs go instead take them to a shelter

How are prejudice and genocide related?

Genocide, as a general rule, means the destruction of a particular group, this would usually include a lot of prejudice as the reasons would label all people of that group without taking any individual cases into account.

What are some non-examples of genocide?

some non-examples is the US. they would never whipe out and entire unit of lets say religious groups if they are protesting peacfully. but if not peacfully, thats another story

Is there anything worse than genocide?

No. Of the crimes that we are currently capable of perpetrating, genocide seems to be the worst.While, I'm sure that some form of criminality could be conceived that would be worse than genocide, such as creating a massive forced hell for millions of people without the intent to kill them and simply create a "I have no mouth but I must scream" sort of problem, that will require technology that we currently lack.

Can Puerto Rico tip over of overpopulation?

No, Puerto Rico can not tip over of overpopulation. Unlike many other countries, rather than overpopulation, Puerto Rico seems to be highly unpopulated. As such, it would be impossible either way to tip it over physically or otherwise.