

How alive is a dead cat?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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cats can eat other dead cats but it is mainly female cats after they have giving birth and the kittens are dead, but is has been know for other cats to eat the dead kittens, but it is not likely for cats to eat other dead cats.

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10y ago

A dead cat is very alive. It's as alive as Justin Bieber's career.

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How the uncertainity principle help us to explain the nuclear force?

Well. If you have heard of Schrodinger's Cat Expirement. You place a cat in a box with a decaying nucleus and a Geiger Counter. You can never be sure if the cat is alive or dead until you actually open the box and see it. So before you see it, the cat is presumed dead and alive at the same time since Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle doesn't allow us to be sure if the nucleus has decayed yet.