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I suppose they would if it was in doors and had pleanty of straw in it

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Q: Would chickens be fine laying in a tire nesting box?
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Will chickens still lay if you feed them corn?

Yes, but corn alone will not provide all the nutrients a hen needs for laying eggs and would soon deplete reserve minerals. A free range flock will do fine on corn feed alone as long as they have adequate access to fresh veggies and protein matter like bugs and slugs. Caged chickens will fatten up on a diet of corn but egg laying would eventually cease.

Is wood or stainless steel better for building chicken laying boxes?

Either option, wood or stainless steel, is equally fine for making chicken laying boxes. Wood is often considered easier to work with, building-wise, but it is completely up to you which you prefer. The chickens are fine with either of those, too, so long as you adequately pad the inside with something soft and keep it clean.

Is it ok to only have 2 laying hens together?

Yes. Chickens are quite social birds and once dominance is established the two hens should get along fine. Most chickens live together in what is called a flock, many birds grouped together. Two layers will not be any problem at all.

Can you raise laying hens in the same pen as horses and Can the horses get sick from the birds in any way?

The last answer was wrong! Horses may trample on the chickens, bird flu or any illness from the chickens may pass on to the horses... Try to move the chickens into a separate pen. horses are fine with chickens but the horses could get a bit adjetated so it would have to be a big clean pen. also it is not that good for chickens to peck at horse poo but it will not make an impacked on the chickens be sure your chickens don't have bird flue Horses have different systems then chickens and cannot contract the bird flu anymore then a human can. Sickness is not the issue. A horse may easily trample a chicken which seriously cuts down on the life span of the chicken.

Does hot weather kill chickens?

No. As long as the chickens have proper ventilation, space, and water, the will do fine.

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Should i leave the baby rabbits where they are if they are not in a nesting box?

Is the mother a wild rabbit and you just found the baby rabbits? If so, leave them where they are. If the mother is Domestic and inside, as long as the room they are kept in is warm they should be fine. If they are outside in a hutch, a nesting box would be advised.

What Fruits are free range chickens okay to eat?

Most fruits are fine to feed to chickens. However, never feed your chickens any kind of citrus.

Which chickens can be with Red Star Chickens?

and chicken gets along with any chicken, usually. IF you raise them as chicks together its perfestly fine

What do Dominique Chickens eat?

The same as all other breeds of chicken. They should be started on a chick ration that is small enough for them to handle and gradually worked up to regular chicken feed. At laying age they should be put on a laying mash. Chickens are omnivores and will eat bugs,worms,plants and seeds from the garden if allowed to free range. Most table scraps are good treats and otherwise a mix of grains like corn,wheat oats and barley and soybean are all fine for them.

What do you do if your parakeet laid her eggs in her nesting box but she didn't put any bedding in it?

Leave your parakeet alone . . . she knows what she's doing. Parakeets do not place bedding into their nesting boxes, so your pet is fine.

Can chickens and cockatiels live together as adults?

I guess so, mainly because the cockatiels would be in the air all the time rarely ever on the ground where as chickens stay on the ground. as long as the pen has a lot of room they should be fine.