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Not really, because they are noted like that so that you can tell what note you are on without looking at your hands or looking at whatever you're playing, say you're playing a piano, an experienced pianist would be able to immediately tell what note he's on by the amount of black keys. If there's a black key to the left and right, and no other black keys, then you're on a D. If there's 2 black keys to the left and 1 to the right, then you're on an A. This was you can keep looking at your sheet music and keep playing at the same time with ease.

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Q: Would eliminating 1 of the 7 music notes letters to add a semitone between BC and EF make sense?
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Would D and C be a semitone?

C-sharp to D, or C to D-flat would be a semitone.

What are the music notes in A minor harmonic?

The A harmonic minor scale uses 1 sharp on the seventh degree, that would be a G♯, and you play the G♯ both when ascending and descending. The sequence of tones and semitones in a harmonic minor scale are as follows: Tone Semitone Tone Tone Semitone, Tone-and a half, Semitone. In A minot this is A (up a tone), B (up a semitone), C (up a tone), D (up a tone), E (up a semitone), F (up a tone-and-a-half), G♯ (up a semitone), A.

Which letter best completes the sequence below A D E H I?

Between A and D are two letters, between D and E are no letters, between E and H are two letters, and between H and I are no letters. Therefore, there would be two letters between I and the next letter, so it would be L.

Why are there sharps and flats in music - not a letter name for each semitone?

If there was a different letter for every semitone, then there would be 12 letters in the musical alphabet instead of 7, and each note would need its own position on the staff, which would add more lines and spaces beyond the 5 lines already used. Also, scales would have different spellings. Instead of A major being A B C# D E F# G# A, it would be spelled A C E F H J L A.

What is the diatonic semitone above c flat?

c flat. the semitone above b flat is b, with is equal to c flat. So the diatonic semitone is c flat because it has to be a different note name.

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Is E to F a chromatic or diatonic semitone?

It is diatonic. Di means two, so you can think of it as two tones. A chromatic semitone would be from D to D#, or Eb to E. The difference is that Chromatic semitones use the same letter name twice, while diatonic semitones do not.

What is the meaning of accidentells in music?

acidentals are sharps or flats that either raise the note up one semitone, or lower it by one semitone. there can also be naturals, wich make the note natural again, so instead of F sharp, if you put the natural sign in, the note would just be F

The number which best completes the sequence below is Y S N J G?

The solution is based on the distance between the letters in the alphabet, as the distance between Y and S is 6, between S and N is 5, between N and J is 4, and so forth. The next result after E would be D, and then the puzzle freezes.

How do you take off the corvette letters from the back of the car?

Fishing line, 15lb or better will cut through the space between the letters and the car, but because the letters are glued you would still have to remove the sticky resin left by the letters.

What interval is b to e sharp?

E flat consists of 3 flats, B flat, E flat and A flat. E flat to B flat would be a perfect 5th interval as B flat is in E flat major, but because your question was E flat to B, B is a semitone up from B flat, this would mean the interval becomes a semitone larger, and a semitone larger from a perfect interval is augmented. Therefore, the answer to your question is an augmented 5th. Hope this helps :)

What note is a semitone higher than B?

It would be a sharp/flat. Like A would be A#/Bb