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they would be underweight because they would have fewer villi and it is FEWER than normal

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Q: Would having fewer villi in you small intestine make you underweight or overweight?
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Would a person be overweight or underweight if they had small intestine that has fewer villi then normal?

he would be fine! :D

Would a person be overweight or underweight if they don't have a lot of vili's?

Abscence of villi would lead to malabsorption of essential vitamins and fats. So, ideally, a person would be underweight and malnourished.

Would I be Overweight if I weighed 70 pounds and 10 years old?

way underweight lol

What are the disadvantages of the overweight and underweight?

For overweight there are not that many disadvantages compared to underweight, however obese has much worse things then overweight, but being underweight is very bad compared to obese. Overweight simply points out you are either a little stronger then others and you probably are fat, or just fatter then most kids your age. Underweight means you have too little fat, and one major result is getting cold very fast. Obese simply makes it official-your fat, and your activity in this area would most likely not be too high. I know there is much more to this, you will have to search wikianswers for more on obese, overweight, and underweight :(

Are you overweight if your height is 163 cm and your weight is 60kgs?

no, you are just about normal. A few pounds less and you would be considered underweight!!

Are you overweight if you weigh 39 kilogram and have a height of 150 kilogram?

If you weigh 39 kg and have a height of 150 cm, then you are not overweight. Those stats would give you a BMI of 17.3 which is actually underweight (under 18.5).

Is 80 lbs for a 12 year old overweight?

no, an average wait for a twelve year old would be about 85-90, so i believe you are underweight

Is a 6' 2 130 pound 13-year-old overweight?

No. I would venture to say that person is underweight. Another factor to consider is the person's gender.

Will you live longer 10 pounds over weight or 10 under weight?

You would be likely to live longer 10 pounds overweight than you would 10 pounds underweight.

Is being 5 foot 5 and 145 lbs healthy?

For a man, 131 is considered underweight. 145 is considered ideal. And 159 is considered overweight. For a woman, 117 is considered underweight. 136 is ideal. And 156 is overweight. Of course things can vary with your BMI: meaning how much muscle you have on your body compared to fat.

If your 14 5 foot 7 and 122 pounds are you over weight?

I depends on your opinion of overweight for instance if i saw you i would think your obese but another person would say there okay

Is 142 pounds overweight for a 13 year old girl?

It all depends on more than one thing.. Go on google and go to a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator. You put in your age, height, weight and it gives you your BMI. It tells you if your underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. I would think you aren't overweight, though.