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You know everyone says once a cheater always a cheater. I don't think that is true. I cheated on guys when I was a little younger and now that iv found the guy i want to the spend the rest of my life with I would never dare cheat. You know for someone who is a cheater they have to be ready for the commitment not to cheat on you. Because it really is about having that fresh thing to chase after and catch.

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Q: Would he cheat on you if he has cheated in other relationships?
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Since cheat is an action word, it is already a verb.For example: "I will cheat on the test".Some other verbs are cheats, cheating and cheated.

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Humans are not perfect and a woman may have only cheated once and will never do it again. You cannot judge a person by past deeds when it comes to love. If they have learned their lesson well from their mistakes they will probably never cheat again and make a good spouse. The other question is ... what if the man has cheated himself! Why would a woman take a chance on him.

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Once a mate cheats on you they have broken that bond of trust and it is not easy to trust them again. People are human and can make a mistake and never cheat again, but, many still do cheat and the partner that didn't cheat will always have to worry whether their mate has taken up cheating again. If he has cheated before or showed signs of cheating it is better you move on in your life and it would only mean heartache for you. If you feel he has not cheated before the communicate your feelings to him and try to get him to communicate with you and sort out the problems in our relationship.

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No, because of the fact that he cheated in the first place

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"Cheated" is the past tense of "to cheat" meaning to take from someone by guile or deception. "Cheese", on the other hand, is a foodstuff made from milk solids.

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no charlie has never cheated he is a monagamous person as he has stated in interviews

The current boyfriend has cheated in all his other relationships should i leave him alone before i get hurt?

If you have to ask this question, you already know the answer. You are no better to him than the other girls he has had.

How many people stay with partners who cheat?

alot of people do. i stayed with my boyfriend who cheated on me, you think you can change them so when they cheat again you give it another shot thinking this time il change them but sadly that never works. it took me a year to realise. i took my ex back 3 times and on all 3 occasions he cheated on me, and you know what the funny thing is, hes cheated on all of his girlfriends! all his other exes were cheated on too so as they say once a cheat always a cheat because once they know ur stupid enough to take them back a first time after they cheated they will do it again and then ur the one that's left 2 pick up the pieces of ur broken heart!

Should you stay with your boyfriend for your son?

Depends why you would want to break up with him, did he cheat do you not like him? Maybe you two can have an agreement to stay and live together but have other relationships with other people if you dont like him anymore like that