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Copper penny

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Q: Would is better for energy glass rod cotton string plastic tubing or copper penny?
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Would a regular tooth brush cause electrostatic energy when rubbed against a plastic surface?

Probably not, something like wool or cotton will have a much better effect. But you can always try it...

Does a conductor transfer energy easily?

Yes, conductors (copper, carbon...) transfer energy quite well, and insulators (plastic, rubber...) do not.

What is a good conductor of energy?

Silver is most conducting element,but copper is better.

What is a better insulated container steel or plastic or ceramic?

Plastic melts. Metals conduct heat energy just as well as the do electrical energy. That leaves Ceramic.

Does ice melt faster on metal or plastic?

assuming the same temperature metal is better at distributing energy so metal.

Why do metal things feel colder than a bottle?

Because metal is a better conduct of thermal energy than plastic 😃

What makes metals hot?

metals are good conductors this means that energy can move throgh them better than say plastic or insulation

Is plastic better than wood?

Yes cause it's not killing a tree just for it's wood and contributing and producing global warming. Try to re-use plastic to conserve energy.

Is cotton a fossil fuel?

No, cotton is a plant. If it is burnt as biofuel it is a form of renewable energy.

What are the benefits of purchasing cotton or organic blankets over synthetic blend blankets?

They are better for the enviornment as they do not need oil to make and require less energy too.

Is wood plastic glass insulator?

Yes. Wood, plastic, and glass are all indeed an insulator. The reason being is that neither of those conduct energy well. But a few materials that would be very good CONDUCTORS would be copper, tin, or aluminum. Hope that helped ;)

Is copper a poor conductor of energy?

No. Copper is a good conductor of both electricity and heat.