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Q: Would it be bad if insects stopped collecting nectar?
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Wind pollinated flowers do not make nectar why?

Nectar is produced by flowers to attract insects, bats or birds that will help to carry its pollen to other plants (and bring fresh pollen to it). If a plant is pollinated in the wind, then it doesn't need to spend the energy to make nectar.

Why do angelica plants attract wasps?

Well, considering that wasps drink nectar just as bees and other pollinators do, it would make sense that since Angelica is attractive to bees for it's nectar, it would be attractive to other insects that drink nectar as well.

Do insects prefer sugar or salt?

Most insects prefer sugar, as most drink nectar, which is very sweet. It is very unlikely that a insect would prefer salt.

How do you make wine out of flower nectar?

I think collecting enough nectar to make wine would be a very long and difficult job. On the other hand you could let the bees collect nectar for you and turn it into honey, then turn the honey into wine -- more properly called mead.

Why does nectivorous rostrum differ from insectivorous rostrum?

For several reasons, but a key one would be that a diet of insects require sharp, strong teeth for crunching exoskeletons, while nectar wouldn't really require any teeth. The needs of the creatures would be different -nectar would require a mouth suited for suction, while insects would need teeth to macerate the food.

How does a bird takes nectar from a flower?

Many insects, birds, and even some mammals feed from flowers. Some examples of insects that would feed on nectar would be bees, wasps, moths, and butterflies. Many other insects also feed on nectar. For a complete list, you could use a search engine like or

Why would it be bad if bees stopped collecting nectar to make honey?

Bees collect nectar from flowers. Since one flower has very little nectar, a bee needs to go from flower to flower collecting a little nectar in each blossom. Bees neither notice nor care about pollen, but when they dive into a flower to collect nectar, they are also brushing against the stamens and pistils of the bloom, tracking pollen from blossom to blossom. Stamens and pistils are the sex organs of plants, and pollen is the way plants fertilize each other. So without bees to carry pollen around to the flowers, the flowers wouldn't get fertilized, the plants wouldn't set any fruit, and we'd all starve to death. (and eventually, the plants wouldn't reproduce either.) Well, that's an exaggeration; the wind can also blow pollen from flower to flower, but that's much less efficient than when bees to it.

Do hummingbids eat thistle?

No. Humming Birds suck nectar and lick up very tiny insects. To eat something as thorny as a thistle would require a goat.

Do dragonflies pollinate flowers?

They pollinate all sorts of flowers especially the walnut tree. They like to feed off walnuts.

What does a free rider problem suggest might happen if the government stopped collecting taxes and relied on voluntary contribution?

many public services would be eliminated

What is another agent of pollination?

That would be flying insects such as bees, as well as small birds (hummingbirds). They collect nectar for their own food, and in the process of collecting food, they spread pollen between different plants of the same species and within the flowers of the same plants as well. Pollen in plants serves the same purpose as male reproductive cells (sperm cells) in mammals.

What would happen if bees stopped pollinating?

Bees don't go out specifically to pollinate flowers, they go to collect nectar and pollen for food. The fact that flowers are pollinated by their actions is a side-effect. However, foraging flights do take their toll. Wings eventually get worn out and when this happens the bee can't fly and will die.