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no i mean i guess it depands on how much older than you either way it is based on whatever you want to do really

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Q: Would it be weird to date a girl a year older than you that goes to a different school?
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If you're a girl, not really. However, if you are a boy, then that might feel a little bit weird.

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It's not weird, as such. Think of it as different, unique. If you're happy, that's all that matters.

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Yes, it is weird to be in love with a teacher who is older than you. Get hold of yourself and concentrate on your studies.

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If it's okay with your parents or legal guardians, but it would be weird when you grow older.

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A little context would seem to be in order to answer this. If you provided a service for them, outside of school, washing their car, mowing their lawn, babysitting, No that's not weird. If you agreed to run an errand or purchase something for them, giving you money to do said task, again not weird. If he/she just walked up out of nowhere either during or after school, on or off school grounds, handed you money & walked away, Yes that would be weird.

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I guess every boy is different, but I would say that if he said "you're weird", looked at you funny or ignores you constantly he might think you are weird. I would ask him, or leave a subtle hint about it (: