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No but your hand would sweat all night

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Q: Would it hurt to sleep with latex glove on?
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What can cause your buttocks to hurt when you sleep on them?

Lack of blood to your butt or you hurt it, lets say u fell over and landed on it, then your bone might be bruised and it would hurt to sit on it or sleep on it.

What is the uses of glove in softball?

The use of a softball glove is so it does not hurt your hand when someone throws it and it is also used for an aim so you do not have to aim with your hand. ( That would look silly.)

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There is a glove made just for this purpose. It looks like a batting glove that has a good amount of padding. It's referred to as a catchers protective inner glove.

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No.. It would REALLY hurt. And if I even bump mine, it bleeds.. :/

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Of course they do, what would hurt more? Being hit with an 8 ounce glove or being hit with a million pound glove? Even though nothing weighs a million pounds....

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Usually by bending over and using my hands. it would not hurt to wait until they cool down or wear a glove.

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What is the fear of rubber bands snapping called?

Astihophobia, which includes fear of all things rubber and latex. This fear can be caused by past trauma, such as balloons or rubber bands snapping in the face, causing hurt, or simply the fear of being hurt. It can also be rooted in the smell or feel of rubber or latex.

If you are six weeks pregnant will the fumes from painting the nursery in latex paint hurt the baby?

Latex is not as dangerous as oil based, but to be on the safe side you should work in a well ventilated area and ask your Doctor.

Will it hurt your dog to give him some sleep aids so you can clean his ears?

It is possible that a sleep aid could hurt your dog. If you dog has any unknown medical conditions, the sleep aid could harm it. The best option is to speak with the vet and find out if they would allow your dog to have a sleep aid so that you could clean his ears. They may recommend a different medication.

Does it hurt your computer to shut off the sleep function?

no, because the sleep function barely does anything