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yes because rubidium has only 1 electron on the outer shell so is not stable and because is far away from the nucleus the attraction is weaker therefore is more likely to react faster with another atom and get stable

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Q: Would rubidium be reactive and lose one electron to form an ionic bond?
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Rubidium is a group 1 metal with just one valence electron. It therefore forms the ion Rb+ as it loses the electron. The ionic formula is Rb+ Cl-

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Rubidium sulfide, with the chemical formula Rb2S, features ionic bonds.

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Rubidium belongs to Alkali metals so its ionic charge is +1.

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Rubidium by itself is neither ionic nor covalent. When it forms bonds with other elements, it forms ionic bonds.

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Rubidium by itself is neither ionic nor covalent. When it forms bonds with other elements, it forms ionic bonds.

What is the bond type for Rubidium Oxide?

Rubidium oxide has an ionic bond.

Is RbI an ionic compound?

Rubidium iodide

How do you get the ionic charge on rubidium?

Experimentally you analyse the halides and determine their empirical formulae, which would give the answer RbCl etc.. You determine the compound are ionic and there are electrochemical methods to confrm that you have got what appears obvious, Rb+. An Xray crystallographic study would show that rubidium compounds containe dicrete rubidium atoms. Another way is to look at the electronic configuration and the periodic table to see which group the elemnt is in. This allows you to predict Rb+ as the element has one valence electron like sodium potassium etc.

Does rubidum carbonate compound have ionic bonds?

Yes, the bonds between rubidium ions and carbonate ions in rubidium carbonate are ionic bonds.

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Possibly not as gold is not very reactive. If they did bond it would be ionic.

Is Rb F a ionic or covalent bond?

Yes it is an ionic compound. Rubidium(Rb) is the cation with 1+ charge and Fluorine(F) is the anion with 1- charge. They are formed by the donation of one electron from the valence shell of Rubidium to Fluorine and hence they form an ionic bond, which is the electrostatic force of attration between two oppositely charged particles.