

Best Answer

Don mowed the lawn.
The garden club met yesterday.
The daffodils bloomed in April.
I pruned the roses.
Andy sent flowers to Jane.
Larry planted my daylilies.
We saw a monarch butterfly today.
The milkweed attracted the monarchs.
The cat got outside.
The car is very dirty.

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Q: Would someone give me ten examples of ten simple sentences with subject?
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Examples of a simple sentences with a compound subject?

Jim and Bob went to the store.

What are the four parts of a sentences?

The complete subject, the complete predicate, the simple subject, and the verb (simple predicate)

What are some examples of simple assault?

Slapping someone, or spitting on someone are examples of simple assault in Canada.

Is point a simple subject?

"Point" can be a simple subject, as in the sentences, "My point is clear" and "The point of that dart is very sharp."

What is simple sentence in variety of sentences?

Examples of simple sentences include:I like beets.She dances beautifully.He sat down.I love you.She opened the door.

How a teacher can teach simple and compound sentences?

A teacher can teach simple and compound sentences by using examples for illustration purposes.

States what the subject does is or has in a sentence.?

Simple sentences are comprised of a subject and a predicate. The predicate states what the subject is, has, or does.

States what the subject is has or does in a sentence?

Simple sentences are comprised of a subject and a predicate. The predicate states what the subject is, has, or does.

Construct 10 sentences with a simple subject and a simple verb?

Sentences with ONLY a simple subject and a simple verb could be:I walked.John sang.The bees buzzed.The teacher taught.Mary read.John coughed.I slept.He left.Mary called.I laughed.

What is the simple subject of the sentences the birds routes have been traced?


Example of simple subject and predicate?

A simple subject is the key word that tells the reader what or whom the sentence is talking about. The simple predicate is the main verb that describes the subject. A very simple example of a simple subject and predicate in a sentence could be, "Anna runs."

States what subject does is or has in a sentence?

Simple sentences are comprised of a subject and a predicate. The predicate states what the subject is, has, or does.