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Q: Would someone with a Scorpio moon Scorpio rising and Pluto in the first house have a hard life?
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What will happen if someone will go to Pluto?

They would die :) too cold.

Has anyone been to Pluto in space shuttles or satellites?

No, pluto is way to cold even or an astronaut. Also the size of pluto would make someone fall off.

If you are born on November 14th what zodiac sign are you?

Depending on when you were born your Sun sign is Scorpio or Sagittarius.

What will be the final Alex Rider book?

Scorpio Rising is the last book which Alex Rider stars in, although Anthony Horowitz has said that he would like to write about Yassen Gregorovich.

Could someone go on Pluto?

Not at the present time because of the distance to Pluto. However, manned stations on Pluto would be possible using the same types of structures used in Earth orbit.

Is Pluto the planet still in it's orbit?

Yes, it is; even for a dwarf planet like Pluto, it would take an enormous amount of energy to move it out of its orbit. Someone would have noticed!

How do you know if you are water rising with being a Virgo?

You would have to use a natal chart software and plug in the exact time, date and location you were born in order to know your "rising sign". The rising sign is the sign being revealed at 0 degrees (first house) on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. If your rising sign is in Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio, it is in water.

What would happen if someone went to Pluto?

he would die because it is too cold -240 degrees Celsius

In your opinion what is better for a Scorpio - Virgo or Pisces?

That would depend on the individual Scorpio

Which sign is best suited for Scorpio other than a Scorpio?

Scorpio is a water sign and would have the best connection with a Pisces or Cancer.

How do you win back a Scorpio woman?

The same way you would with a Scorpio man - be yourself.

What would a 12-year-old Scorpio boy look for in a 12-year-old Scorpio girl?

SEX! That's what Scorpio is ruled by!