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Q: Would the adversarial system be used in a due process?
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What alternatives to the adversarial system can you envision?

I guess the alternative would be the inquisitorial system, used mostly in continental Europe. The system in the USA is the adversarial system, where the lawyers from both sides run the show. In the inquisitorial system, the judges are much more involved at trials, and ask most of the questions.

How did the adversarial system begin to be used in Australia?

The adversarial system is inherently a trait of the common law system of England. Australia is member of the Commonwealth and was settled by the British Empire. When this occurred Australia automatically inherited British law under the doctrine of reception. So, to answer the question, the adversarial system has been used in Australia since British settlement in 1788. This is opposed to the inquisitorial system arising from Roman law and ancestry.

What is an adversarial system?

The Adversarial System is the justice system that is used in countries like Australia, Britain, and America. It relies on a contest between each of the advocates (speaker) representing his or her party's positions and involves an impartial person or group of people, usually a judge or jury, who try to determine the truth of the case. The adversarial system is normally used in common law countries. An exception, for instance in the US, may be made for minor violations, such as traffic offences.. The adversarial system is the two-sided structure where criminal trial courts operate and put the prosecution against the defence. The case is won when either party has been able to convince the judge and jury that their view is correct.

What is adversarial justice system?

Adversarial is an adjective that means characterizing or involving opposition or conflict. In law it refers to a scenario whereby the parties in a given dispute have the responsibility of finding and presenting evidence.

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What is the differences between the adversarial system and the inquisitorial systems of trial?

The judge has a passive role in the adversary system and an active one in the inquisitorial. The counsel has an active role in the adversary and a passive role in the inquisitorial. In adversary, the burden of proof rests on the accuser whereas in the inquisitorial the burden of proof rests on noone. Adversary systems can have juries.

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