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Q: Would the drug morphine still be present in a dead body?
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Can it be one who has never had a morphine before still experiences no pain relief after a morphine injection?

It could be that your body does not allow morphine to inhibit the neurotransmitters (impulses in the brain) responsible for pain. Your doctor may need to place you on something different. It could also be that the strength of the morphine was insufficient to alleviate the pain.

Is morphine a painkiller?

Yes but it is also drug. morphine was originally for persevering dead body's

Can 5mg of morphine a day affect a person?

Yes. Habituation & tolerance will develop. Basically the body adjusts to having this morphine in the body every day. If the morphine dose is suddenly stopped, the body will react to its absence: this is known as withdrawal.

Does heroin turn into morpine after it's injected into the body?

Heroin is metabolized into morphine inside the body. Heroin is the 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine, and these ester groups are cleaved in vivo to produce morphine.

What does the body bio transform Heroin into?


Does morphine show up as heroine in a drug test?

Well...Morphine, heroin, codeine and any other drug made from opium poppies shows up as the same thing: Morphine. Opiates go through a two-phase metabolism in your body. The first is where the body converts any opiate that isn't already morphine to morphine. Once that's done - it's VERY quick - your body then uses the morphine.

What are the impacts on society of morphine?

Morphine gives you greater amounts of endorphin and enkephalin wich are the body's natural painkillers.

What is morphine poisoning?

Having too much of it in your body.

I shot 150Mg of morphine Friday and test Monday If you take suboxone will it get you clean faster?

No. It will slow down the morphine from exiting your body.

The ability of morphine to mimic the effects of the body's endorphins is due to?

The similarity in molecular shape allows morphine to bind to endorphin receptors.

Which is more addictive morphine or roxicodone?

Most likely morphine, as stories of morphine addicts are quite extensive, as well that getting off of morphine holds much more agony. Your body becomes so accustomed that it pains you so much you may need to take morphine for a legitemite reason.