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Yes it is definitely an example of positive correlation. As a 16 year old I am far less disgusted by Braveheart than I was as a 14 year old, and I think it would be foolish to entertain the notion that this is due to anything other than violence in video games and the media. Any debate here is purposeless and the science that has evolved around it is, in my opinion, objectively biased but unimportant. The real question is not whether or not video games desensitize people but rather if this change in mindset is bad. I am inclined to believe it isn't. First, with each generation of civilized humans becoming more and more dependent on technology, our tolerance for pain, suffering and adaptability has lowered on average. Violent video games encourage understanding of weapons, tactics and sociopolitical issues such as the threat to stable government posed by mass media and prejudice (modern warfare 3), the tyranny and deception a paranoid, overpowered military can bring upon its own men (black ops), and the role of nuclear weapons in the hands of a hostile, unstable nation (Battlefield 3). Second, increased exposure to violence prepares the youth of America for potential social upheaval in the form of riots, invasions and natural disasters. Less people paralyzed by the sight of violence means more people are available to help. Third, the rating system already exists to warn people about violent video games. People who could succumb to maniacal tendencies or even desire violence need only make the choice to not buy the game. Parents can easily prevent their children from getting violent games. Saying violent video games should be banned is akin to someone on a diet saying all donut and burger shops should be put out of business. Furthermore, I have a friend in Connecticut who had to move there last summer. We have been able to keep up with each other by playing Call of Duty together every saturday. Video games have always been a way for people to connect. If you don't like something, don't do it, but you have no right to deny it to others.

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Q: Would the more video games that youth watch they will become violent is this an example of a weak positive correlation?
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