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Q: Would the radiations with a wavelength 0.96nm or a frequency of 6.11011s1 be detected by an X-ray detector?
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What is the range of electromagnetic radiation detected by the eye?

The human eye can detect electromagnetic radiation in the visible region of the spectrum only. This region extends to the radiations of wavelength of 7600-3800 Angstrom

Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?

In the electromagnetic spectrum, gamma rays at 1021 cycles / sec are the highest, higher values have been detected from astronomical sources though.

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Forms of electromagnetic radiation detected by the eye?

Visible light is a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is characterised by having a wavelength between 4x10-7m and 7x10-7m. The energy carried by a photon is Planck's constant divided by its wavelength.

How is light you see with your eyes different from the other forms of electromagnetic waves such as x-rays and radio waves?

Visible light falls on the range of the electromangetic spectrum which is the appropriate wavelength to be detected by the eye. The difference between visible light and invisible light is simply its energy (wavelength or frequency)

What is dangers of microwave radiations?

microwave radiations are invisible radiations and it can be harmfull in some cases. microwaves are detected with specific dectectors. High density can be harmfull and can make you sterlile and blind. For your safety use dectectors when repairing microwave ovens or any microwave generator.

What is the difference between photon detector and thermal detector?

The wavelength of the detected signal.

What type of sound has a frequency to high to be detected by humans?


What type of sound has a frequency too high to be detected by humans?


What wavelengths are in sunlight?

The Sun Light spectrum is 275nm to 2850nm . This includes Visible range, almost near IR radiations and a part of UV radiations. In simple, sunlight spectrum ranges from middle of middle UV to almost till Near IR radiations.

How does changing wave frequency affect light and sound?

It really depends on the type of wave. In the case of electromagnetic waves, a higher frequency results in more energy per photon. Therefore, a longer wavelength results in less energy per photon.

How does a METAL sensor work?

Usually a colpit oscillator is used whereby a its coil can be of a loop of wire as metal is detected it will shift frequency as a result and the difference in frequency can be used to cause a display to an output.