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Q: Would the uraniumlead method of radiometric dating be appro- priate for determining the absolute age of a rock that is estimated to be between 1 million and 2 million years old?
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Related questions

What is a geochronologist?

Geochronology is the method of determining the absolute age of rocks, using radiometric methods.

How can someone find the absolute age of a fossil?

By using radiometric or radiocarbon dating.

What is the absolute magnitude of Altiar?

The star is called Altair; the absolute magnitude is estimated at 2.21.The star is called Altair; the absolute magnitude is estimated at 2.21.The star is called Altair; the absolute magnitude is estimated at 2.21.The star is called Altair; the absolute magnitude is estimated at 2.21.

What is the primary technique for determining the absolute age of a rock?

well its do to the sediment in a rock by it layering

What is the purpose of absolute dating?

Absolute geologic age is determined through radiometric dating, and is the most precise method for determining the age of a rock or fossil within a small range. Relative geologic age is determined by the index fossils that may be contained within the rock that indicate a much broader range of possible ages based on the time the organism existed on Earth.

What would be the two methods of dating fossils and explain each?

relative and absolute. relative is determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age. Absolute is the process of determining an approximate computed age in archaeology and geology.

Sedimentary rocks can't be dated?

Sedimentary rocks cannot be given an absolute date by radiometric testing, but they can be given an estimated date from a few geological laws, for example if a bed of desert sandstone ins under a bed of limestone there is a law that says that the sandstone is older.

What is the best method of radiometric dating?

Radiometric dating is the principal source of information about the absolute age of rocks and other geological features, including the age of the Earth itself, and can be used to date a wide range of natural and man-made materials.

What can radiometric dating tell us about the age of rock that law of superposition cannot?

Radiometric dating can give us the absolute age of the rock. Trace fossils and the Law of Superposition can only provide the relative age of the rock. Radiometric dating is far more specific in formation analysis.

Which measurement would help determine absolute dates by radiometric means?

the accumulation of the daughter isotope and the loss of parent isotopes

What radiometric dating tell us?

It tells us the absolute age of something, It is used when scientists want to see how old a fossil is.

What type of dating involves half-lives and can tell in which geologic period a rock was formed?

This is called absolute, isotopic, or radiometric dating.