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I dont think it is likely to happen.

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Q: Would the world end if Aliens came to our planet and didn't like the human race?
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No, white people are human beings like every other race of people on the planet.

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No human would know.

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They're both human, except I have my doubts about the democrats. Sometimes I think they are aliens from the planet Vulcan

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Reptoid aliens are aliens that are green and slimy. They usually collect samples of sheep blood. People think they use sheep blood as a resource, but no. Some fear that one day, Reptoid aliens might control our planet and turn the human race into slavery.

Are human really aliens?

Exogenesis is a theory that states that life on Earth originated from extraterrestrial microorganisms that came to Earth on meteors and comets during the Late Bombardment Event. Even if this theory is true, billions of years have passed since then. Even if life was originally alien, it isn't anymore because it evolved on this planet.

Is President Obama an Alien from the planet Zebula?

No, President Obama is not an alien from the planet Zebula. He is a human being born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Conspiracy theories about aliens are not supported by any credible evidence.

What is the series v about?

In short it is about aliens coming to planet earth with intentions of peace with the human race and to share technologies however as the series goes on you find out that the aliens have been living among us for quite a while and don't have any intentions of peace with the human race at all

Are people alions?

If you meant ALIENS... Then yes or no depending on who's view it is. To another human being, people are not aliens. From the view of an extraterrestrial being from the universe we would be.

Do aliens look human?

No aliens are known to exist, so your question is unanswerable.

If aliens came to earth what would people want them to bring?

it depends on the person who you are asking. The human race has diffrent ideas at what they would want the aliens to bring but for me i would just want them to bring peace because if aliens could come here and they brought war here then its goddbye human race manly because they would have supperior weapons. but if they did bring peace i am sure there many people out there who would like some of their tech i.e the American government. but its all at who u are asking and what aliens turn out to be.