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Yes, they will because that would be all that person knows. If you be mean to them, they will carry on that trait.

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Q: Would yo say that if you treat a person badly they will treat others badly?
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Well why would you want to treat them badly? Its just compassion and human kindness.

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Never. All people should treat their fellow human beings equally and fairly. Do unto others as you would have people do unto you. What you would Not want done to you, is what you should Not do unto other people. All human beings are created in the image of God, and you should treat your fellow human beings as you would treat God himself.

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With only so little detail, I can only answer so far but I will say that if this guy treats you badly that it makes you question it and seeking assistance about the issue then I would probably drop him. It's not worth for you to feel such a way - never is. You should have someone that is a kind, gentle person.

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This is not really a forum to learn how to treat others badly. If you need to have this knowledge, please look elsewhere on the internet.

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"unto" is the old way of saying "to".As in:"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]"Which in modern usage would read:"Do to others as you would have others do to you" which means "Treat others as you would like others to treat you"