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Yes, probably. It wouldn't inconvenience me at all, and would make checking in to hospital or visiting the doctor a lot easier.

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Q: Would you allow a chip to be implanted in you if it would carry all of your medical information and nothing else?
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Information on medical scheduling can be found in a few places. This includes hospitals themselves as well as every single doctors office that a person would encounter.

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Medical alarm pendants let you call for help if you have an emergency. Here's some more detailed information:

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Where can I find information about autoimmune disease?

Information about autoimmune diseases can be aquired by scanning medical books or by asking autoimmune diseases experts. Another way would be to use the medical wikipedia.

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Without medical terminology a medical assistant would not know what their colleagues are talking about when they give you information on a patient, they would not be able to write in a chart and would not have an overall basic understanding in medicine, this is the basis of language in medicine, that's why it is essential.

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Could a implanted chip affect your bloodstream somehow?

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To get information on different phobias for yourself the best resource would be a psychiatrist. A reading option for phobias would be medical journals from the library.

What does 'Nil significant' mean in medical terms?

Nil means "Nothing". So if the medical term is written, Nil significant, it means that nothing of importance or significance is noted. That might be written on a medical record to indicate that the work up or studies to date have not shown any significant problems. It might also be found on other medical reports such as an Xray. That would similarly indicate that there was nothing shown on the test out of the ordinary or unexpected.