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Q: Would you choose dermatology or cardiology as a career and why?
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How much money would a dermatology education cost?

You would need a medical degree with a specialty in dermatology. Cost, I suppose, would depend on the school you choose and living expenses.

What would you choose as a career?

computer programing and the such related carreers

What would be a good college to take dermatology classes?

any college you would like to go to that has a good dermatology program.

What has led you to choose a career in professional services?

There are many things that would lead a person to choose a career in the professional services. They may have had a parent persuade them for example.

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What language is best to learn for a career in design?

Well it depends on what countries one would plan on making a deal with. Although I would probably choose on of the following if I was to choose a career in design. French, Spanish, or Italian.

What careers are associated with the integumentary system?

A Dermatologist is a doctor that deals with skin and skin disorders. Skin is the main organ of the Integumentary System, so Dermatology would be a nominee for this kind of career.

How would you match what you want out of life and career?

Career is just part of life. Don't balance the two, choose the life you want.

Why would people choose astronomy as a career?

I suggest that the main reason is that they love the subject.

You are confused about your future career Which would be a better career management fashion designing or computer field?

Choose the one that fits you best and has reasonable salary.

Where can you find a survey to see what career you would fit my personality?

There are many free career assessments online. A quick search will reveal several from which to choose. You can also go to your local career center, such as Career Builders, where someone will assist you with career planning.

Why did you choose computing as your career?

I chose computing as my career because I thought it would be facinating to learn all about computers and mine always breaks down so it would be nice to fix it my self!!