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Q: Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists?
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Why are specialists more susceptible to extintion than generalists?

Specialists depend on one species for their food. If that species were to disappear, they would have no food source.

Are cheetahs specialists or generalists?

Apart from species in which an animal lives in a group and every member has a specific job, the animal kingdom doesn't really have generalists or specialists. Ligers are extremely rare, and usually lives in solitude, so neither.

What animals are endangered in the everglades?

There are many different species that are endangered in Florida. 8 species of ammphibians endangered 1 species of arachnids endangered 23 species of birds endangered 11 species of clams endangered 8 species of coralsm jellyfish and sea anemones endangered 25 species of crustaceans endangered 33 species of fishes endangered 18 species of insects endangered 15 species of mammals endangered 53 species of plants endangered 9 species of reptiles endangered 13 species of snails endangered

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No, it is not an endangered species

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No, they are not endangered species.

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This specie remains in the endangered region because being very beautiful it gets great demand in the market that's why they get killed very frequently....

What is the main reason a puma is a endangered species?

Humans are the main reason that puma is endangered species. As a species, the puma is not an endangered species. Only the Florida race is endangered.

How does endangered species differ from threatened species?

An endangered species is near extinction

How does an endangered species differ from threatened species?

An endangered species is near extinction