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1w ago

Yes, you would expect to detect electrical energy in a pinball game machine as it operates using electricity to power the flippers, lights, score display, and other components. The electrical energy is crucial for the functioning of the machine and is transformed into various forms throughout the gameplay.

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Q: Would you expect to detect electrical energy if you played a pinball game machine?
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Would you detect energy if you played pinball?

yes, lots of energy

Is a spring in a pinball machine before it released kinetic or potential energy?

A spring in a pinball machine stores potential energy when compressed or stretched. When released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring expands and propels the pinball.

Is a spring in a pinball machine before release kinetic or potential energy?

A spring in a pinball machine before release contains potential energy, which is stored energy due to its position or configuration. When the spring is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring moves and the pinball is propelled forward.

What type of energy is a spring in pinball machine before it is released?

The energy stored in the spring of a pinball machine is potential energy. When the spring is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring unwinds and propels the ball into motion.

Is a spring in a pinball machine before it is released an example of potential energy?

Yes, the spring in a pinball machine stores potential energy because it is compressed and has the ability to do work when released. As the spring is released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the ball to move.

What typeof energy is brought about by this machine?

The machine produces electrical energy.

What is the energy in a spring in a pinball machine before it is released?

The energy stored in a spring in a pinball machine before it is released is potential energy. When the spring is compressed, it gains potential energy due to the elastic potential energy stored in it. This potential energy is then converted into kinetic energy when the spring is released, propelling the pinball into motion.

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A fuel cell is a type of machine that converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy through an electrochemical reaction.

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From electrical energy to kinetic energy electrical energy =>mechanical energy

What kind of energy does a machine use?

The energy that is used to make a machine run is electrical energy.

What is the name of the machine in dams which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy?

Electrical generator.

How much energy does a pinball machine use?

4-5A at 240V