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Red blood cell doesn't contain DNA.. It lacks nucleus..

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Q: Would you expect to get a positive DNA test in a mature red blood cell?
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If one parent has A positive blood and the other had A positive blood what type will the baby have?

The blood type would be A positive.

Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?

No, because the domonite blood type would be AB positive. So you would most likely get a baby that is AB positive.

If the father has b positive blood and the mother has o positive blood what would the child's blood type be?

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The child's blood type could be B positive or O positive.

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Probably AB+ blood.

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If the father's blood type is O positive and the mother's blood type is B positive, a child could have type B or type O blood, and the Rh factor could be positive or negative.

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Would a person with B positive blood be okay to use o positive blood?

NO because it is different

If a father has blood type B positive and a mother has blood test O positive what blood type the child would be?

75% chance B positive, 25% chance O positive.

If you have TB will blood tested be HIV positive?

No. It would be TB positive.

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The blood vessel you would expect a high glucose content in after eating is the portal system.

If father has blood type B positive and mother has blood type AB positive what would be the blood type of the child?

the child's blood group will be AB-.