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Possibly, it depends weather or not the kill was intentional.

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Q: Would you go to prison if you killed a endangered species?
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If you were injured by an endangered species and you killed said endangered species in response to your injury would you be arrested?

No, the only time you can kill an endangered species is if you or your family's life is threatened.

What happens when fire takes place?

If a fire would take place the animals would slowly die away. They would called an endangered species. That means that animal can be killed.

Why are endangered species an issue?

because if they get too endangered there will be none left and that would be bad

Is the striped dolphin endangered?

The striped dolphin is not endangered, but is considered a protected species. That means without a some sort of protection plan in place, the species would become endangered.

Which snake is killed for his beautiful skin declared endangered species in India?

I would say the snake your talking about is the Burmese Python. They do have beautiful skin and are quite large.

How would you save endangered species?

You can put them into a zoo or clone them. Sometimes people adapt young species to local wildlife adoption center. Many areas in the U.S. has some strict rules to pay deposit if you kill endangered species. Or Endangered Species Act would take care of them.

Which species of wildlife are critically endangered?

A critically endangered species is a species that is in immediate risk of extinction. Currently there are 1821 plants and 2129 animals in this endangered category. The list of wildlife that is critically endangered is so extensive that it would take hours to list every species. The IUCN website lists all endangered species and is a great tool for understanding the threat of extinction and the impact it will have on our world.

Which visual aid would most help a speech about the importance of a protecting endangered species?

A slideshow displaying several images of endangered species. (APEX)

Which continent has most endangered species?

I would say Africa.

Is it worthwhile to spend money on endangered species?

Well, endangered species are of course scarce in numbers,I believe that it would be a wise decision so that we can save and try to get the number of the endangered up more

What would happen if you killed your own cousin?

You would go to prison.

How could you tell people about endangered species?

You could say why endangered species are a problem or u could focus on one main animal which is endangered that would change our live drastically if they became extinct