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you would only lose your armor that is a higher rank then seargent.

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Q: Would you lose your rank and armor that you earned off line by forfeiting your credits on halo reach?
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How come you cant get the new armor in halo reach?

Buy halo reacj armor in the startup menu in the armory for credits in online games

How can you hack recon codes on halo?

To unlock Recon armor in Halo 3, you originally had to beat all of the VidMaster achievments, but the armor is now available to all players. To unlock the recon armor in Halo: Reach you had to pre-order the game and you would get a long (25 character) code for the recon armor DLC. To unlock the recon armor in Halo 4, you had to either pre-order the game or simply buy the armor with your in-game credits.

Is halo armor sold?

Halo Reach armor is sold with a credit system which you earn credits in the game itself by playing. Halo 3 armor you must unlock with achievements and completing certain aspects of the game.

Why cant I get the new halo reach armor that came out?

because you need a 2 million credits to get it and do a lot of challenges

How much Cr dose it cost to buy Emile's armor in Halo Reach?

Rank of general and 270000 credits

Dead space what are space credits?

Space Credits are a form of currency in the Dead Space games. You can use them at the store to buy ammo, weapons, health packs, air tanks, and Armor

Can you earn credits for armor in Halo Reach's campaign?

yes because it is customizable, it was revealed in the extended gameplay in the space mission

How do you get different armor in halo 4?

By playing Halo (online, campaign, and otherwise) you earn credits, which you can then use to purchase armors. You can also complete specialties and get armor that way. All can be accessed through the menu.

Are there any cheats for mars mission if there are what are they?

n00b- triple armor newbie- triple armor fatwallet- 50,000 credits (money) 299792458- build faster beeblebrox- test mode (actual effect unknown)

What does online credit reached on Halo mean?

if you mean online credits in reach, it means the credits you can use for buying spartan armor parts to customize your look. you do not gain or use real money in the games.

How do you get all the halo reach armor?

Most armor is unlockable by rank, then made buyable with credits. Some of the halo reach armor is unlocked via halo waypoint (downloadable in xbox dashboard). Other armor such as the flaming helmet are unlocked from a code that comes with certain sets of the game. ( legendary edition, pre-order, etc.

What are some cheats for Crystalien Conflict?

stomp for lvl7 fatwallet for 50000 credits theylive for conflict mode n00b for triple armor