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Q: Would you put iodine ion gastroenteritis?
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Would you put iodine on gastroenteritis?

No, gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach. Iodine is not safe to swallow. You would be better off trying a diet of bland foods, including chicken soup, saltine crackers, dry cheerios, water or tea. Avoid citris juices, acidic foods like strawberries, dairy and spicy foods. You may try a dose of Pepto Bismal, tums or Milk of Magnesia. Your stomach should begin to feel better.

What does lugol's iodine?

it is iodine and potassium iodide solution It's a orange colored solution that consists of Iodine and Potassium Iodide and is used to test a substance for starch. If the color of the solution turns black when put on/in the substance, then the substance is positive for starch.

What happens when you put cornstarch and iodine together?

Iodine is used to test for starch; when the two are combined a deep bluish-black color is produced. This is a result of the intensely colored I3- ion forming inside the helices of the amylose regions in the starch.

If allergic to iodine can a person put drops with povidone in their eye?

Straight iodine in the eyes causes tremendous stinging. I would say to dilute it.

What will iodine do when it is put in trichloromethane?

A nucleophilic substitution reaction would take place, replacing various numbers of chlorine atoms with iodine atoms. Thus a mixture of compounds is produced.

Can you put iodine on chancre sores?

You can put iodine on the chancre sore. But please do not forget to visit the physician. That is must for cure of the disease.

How do you turn iodine crystals into liquid iodine?

You put it in a Freezer with a temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit or colde ^The guy who wrote this doesn't have a clue. Sorry to break it to you, but you can't get liquid iodine. (Well, you can. But that's EXTREMELY difficult, and it requires a change in atmospheric pressure.) Iodine's melting point is 113.7 degrees Celsius. This means that if you DO have liquid Iodine, dropping it below 113.7 degrees will cause it to form it's solid. What you probably have is a liquid solution of iodine. This will most probably be potassium Iodide; you'll need something to displace the iodide ion from the solution. This would either mean reacting it with Bromine ions, Chlorine ions, or Fluorine ions. All of these reactions are extremely hazardous, and I do not recommend conducting them yourself. If you need Iodine crystals that badly, I suggest buying them from a chemical store.

How would you test for the presences of starch?

put a few drops of iodine on the subject, if it turns purple theres starch.

Why is rice brown in colour when iodine solution is put on it?

cause iodine(brown) stains the rice

Who put iodine in salt?

it was Kiri Johnston

How much iodine was put in NaCl?

The recommended concentration is 20 +/- 5 mg iodine/kg NaCl.

What happens to bread when you put iodine on it?

When you pore iodine on a piece of bread, the bread will turn black. Why? Because, the iodine has a chemical reaction with the starch in the bread. This method is great to find out if a food contains starch (I suggest a potato to try next!).