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Q: Would you rather have lived in the paleolithic age the neolithic age or the bronze age?
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What does Paleolithic and Neolithic have in common?

nothing but if you mix the two together there would be a awesome chemical reaction look on you tube.

How did the paleolithic people make homes?

Paleolithic people made homes using natural materials such as branches, animal skins, and mud. They constructed simple shelters like caves, rock overhangs, or wooden huts to protect themselves from the elements. The type of shelter varied depending on the climate and resources available in their environment.

What was Mesopotamia's climates?

that depends. if your talking about the paleolithic age (old stone age) then it would be colder climates because the Mesopotamians were coming over the Bering strait, which is way north. if your talking about the neolithic age (new stone age) then it would be warmer climates because thats when the mesopotamians started to move southward.

What is Another name for Neolithic Revolution?

Some people would call it the new stone age, but that is absolutely incorrect. The neolithic revolution is actually called the agriculture revolution, because people started growing crops instead of hunting and gathering; being a nomad.

List the defining characteristics of the Paleolithic Age?

Paleolithic refers to the suffix and prefix Paleo(Ancient, Old), and Lithic(Stone). During the paleolithic era no concrete human society existed and all of humanity was nomadic. What characterizes the Paleolithic Age is the emergence of tools and nomadic tendencies among humans, before the Neolithic (Age of Civilzations), but after primitve human emergence after African Migration.

When did the iron ages first make bread?

Bread dates back at least to the prior Bronze and Neolithic Ages when agriculture was established and grain produced, a rough estimate would be around 10,000 BC. Iron Age people would be aware of the process by their time.

What is the difference between the Neolithic and paleothic?

The Paleolithic era, also known as the Stone Age, is characterized by a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and the use of simple stone tools. The Neolithic era, also known as the New Stone Age, saw the development of agriculture, pottery-making, and more sophisticated tools. The transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic marked the shift towards settled communities and the beginning of agriculture.

How would you escape from Paleolithic hirsute anthropophagites?


What did Neolithic people do to remember their dead?

Neolithic people would remember their dead by burring them in their houses or making a shrine and burring the there.

Who would have hunted in the Neolithic age?

Homo sapiens

What were the key features of the Neolithic agricultural revolution?

this is why i want to be half computer so i can just answer a question without having the answer be wring or better yet i would want to be a pure genius!

Who were the Neolithic people and what did they do in their times?

the neolithic people domesticated animals and grew crops. When they needed meat the would kill an animal and eat it