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Q: Would you risk your life for your country?
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Why would someone risk their life for the Olympics?

Because it's one if the greatest things that can happen to a person so they would risk their life to represent their country and show off their skill and your nations to the entire world. I would risk my life to do that would you.

Would you risk your life for your pet?

Definitely i would take my life/ risk it for my pet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When is a country rich in biodiversity?

when the country have strong minded people and who are willing to risk their life to gain the country more resources.

Why do people fight for their country and risk death?

Because life is cheap when you believe your country is the greatest in the world.

How is the sniper's life threatened?

depends for what country and for what unit but it does tend do be high risk

How can you be a good knight?

By being responsible and brave. You have to feel proud for fighting for your country and respect and risk your life for your country.

Will a boxer save your life would it risk its own to save you?

Most boxers are equipped with life saving skills. When you are at risk there are some that will risk their lives to save you.

Why do people care about Veterans Day?

we care for our veterans because they fight for our country and because they risk their life to die for our country.

Will red foxes risk their life to feed their family?

Yes, they would.

Why would you risk your life to be part of a slave rebellion?

Because you have no choice.

What would life be like in a developing country?

Life In A Developed Country Would Be Very Diffrent To A Non-Developed Country. It Would Be Very Populated And Buildings Would Start To Form Into Cities etc.

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