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Q: Would you want to be president why or why not?
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Why would you want to be a president?

To be a rih preson

Why would a person want to be a president?

For power, fame and money.

Why aren't children allowed to vote for the U.S. President?

Would you want them to?

What President did not want to admit Texas into the Union because he feared the addition would cause trouble?

President Jackson

How would you prepare for your meeting with the President?

I would personally prepare for a meeting with the president because you want to seem like you have everything togther, like you know what your talking about. When meeting the president you want to present yourself in a busniess type way to get him to have a good first impression on you.

How Did John Adams Become Vice President What Made The People Want Him As A President And A Vice President?

In 1825 the candidate with the greatest number of electoral votes would become president and the candidate with the next - highest number would become vice president.

Who was married and inaugurated as a president?

when someone ask a question they would want a dogone answer!

Why would anyone want to become president?

Many people crave power.

Who was shortest president at 5 feet 4 inches?

Why would you want to know that.

What amendment would allow president and vice president from 2 different political parties?

There is no such Ammendment and would almost never happen in today's politics as you would want someone to be on the "same page" if you were unable to fulfill the duties as president

Would you want a president who gives a candid answer to a question?

Yes, unless such an answer would compromise national security.

What did Gerald Ford want to be instead of president?

Before he was a presient he was a football player but after he chose to be a president! so i would have to save he loved both and didn't want to do anything instead.