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Q: Would you weigh more or less on mercury than on earth?
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Are things heavier on Mercury or earth?

Mercury has less gravity, so objects on Mercury would weigh less than they would on Earth

Would you weigh more on Saturn or Mercury?

You would weigh less because there is less gravity on mercury than on earth so you would weigh less!

How much less would you weigh on mercury?

The gravity on Mercury is much less than Earth's. You would only weigh 38% of your Earth weight there.Examples :100 pounds on Earth, 38 pounds on Mercury150 pounds on Earth, 57 pounds on Mercury200 pounds on Earth, 76 pounds on Mercury(see related link)The local gravity of Mercury is 0.37 that of Earth. If they weighed 100 kg on Earth, they would weigh 37 kg on Mercury.A 100 pound person would weigh 37.8 pounds on Mercury.

Why would you weigh so little on Mercury?

The gravity on Mercury is less than that of the Earth, so the force going down would be less as well.

Because mercury is less massive than earth things there would weigh?

they would weigh more. more gravity= more weightadd. With a smaller gravity, they would weigh LESS.

How much more or less will you weigh if you went to Mercury?

Being on Mercury will change your weight because you would be pulled down with a smaller force. You would weigh on Mercury 0.38 time your weight on Earth.

What planets would a person weigh less than on earth?

You would seem to weigh less on Mars or on Venus than you do here on Earth, although the environment of Venus would be intolerable because of the high temperature and extreme pressures. On Mercury you would weigh much less, but the heat there is intense.

Do you feel lighter or heavier on mercury?


What is the Weight on mercury compared to earth?

Things weigh much less

How many times more or less gravity than earth does mercury have?

You would weigh 38% of your current body weight.

What planet do you weigh least on?

By a very slim margin you would weigh the least on Mercury, where gravity is 37% the strength of it is on Earth. This is only a tiny bit less than the gravity of Mars, which is 37.11% of Earth's gravity.

How much would a 100 pound person weigh on mercury?

I think he would weigh very less.