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Mine would. However, the question is obviously from a job application, and the people reviewing it could not care less what my previous supervisors would say, since I am not the one applying for the job.

If you really don't know how to answer this question for yourself, just put down "Attendance? Yes, I was always there, drunk or not."

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

yes,because we don't want to wast our time for each second

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Q: Would your previous supervisors say you are consistently on time?
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There are no time commitments for supervisors on WikiAnswers! Supervisors are volunteers and are encouraged to enjoy whatever they do and have fun on the site without having a minimum amount of time that must be spent on WikiAnswers!

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There are Advanced Supervisors and there are Senior Supervisors. Senior Supervisors supervise a top-level category such as Animal Life or Health. Advanced Supervisors are those who spend time organizing the various catch-all categories as well as Harmful Questions to Delete. Advanced Supervisors have the ability ("advanced powers") to delete questions from the database permanently and edit profiles, among other things. Most Senior Supervisors have advanced powers (but not all), and many Advanced Supervisors are not Senior Supervisors.

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No, not in the least. All WikiAnswers Supervisors have the same influence in every category. Category Supervisors usually spend more time in their respective categories, but are in no way restricted to where they can contribute.

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Millions of users can't be wrong, and with over 1,000 volunteer supervisors and many employees dedicating their time and effort, I would not hesitate to say it is.

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