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Q: Would yousay a recluse is a friendly person?
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Click the link to learn how to describe people. For a friendly person, you need to put down things that you think a friendly person would say and do.

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To say singer in Spanish, you would use the word "cantante."

Would please demonstrate the use of the word 'recluse'?

The old man lived far up in the mountains alone and became a recluse, isolating himself from all society. The brown recluse is a spider with such powerful venom that it is deadly. The recluse lived far from civilization.

Would you write a letter to a famous person in a friendly letter?

No a letter to a famous person would need to be formal to get their attention

Why would your schnauzer seek recluse in a bathtub?

they sense danger

How big is a Brown Recluse?

I would say probably as big as a regular spider would be

Why might someone become a recluse?

Recuse means to take oneself out of a process or position of judgment due to potential or existing conflicts of interest that would call one's impartiality into question. I'm not familiar with recluse being used as a verb but a recluse (noun) is a hermit; a person that lives a solitary life with little or no contact with other people.

Why would a gay woman try to be with another mans girlfriend?

Because she's a friendly person.

What is a kid friendly definition of disease?

A kid friendly definition of disease would be "a very serious sickness a person/people could catch or already have from their parents.

What would you call a friendly person?

Well you could call he or she friendly, but there are other words: nice, easy going, cool, relaxed, fun, or kind.

Who would win brown recluse vs black widow?

the brown recluse is the winner in the fight with the black widow because its more dangerous than any other spider but there is onother spider which is dealiest its the BLAZING WANDERING SPIDER and i dont know who would win if the blazing wandering spider got in a fight with a brown recluse