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Q: Writ a c plus plus program a function intersect() with four float parameter m1b1m2b2.the function returns 1 if the two Line intersect. otherwise should return 0.?
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Only if y = 0 then it is the entire x-axis. Otherwise, for y = k and k is any number except zero, the graph is parallel to the x-axis and does not intersect.

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formal parameter is we accept in function body/defination actual parameter is we pass from calling function to function body. Ex : int a,b; void add (a,b) ; where a & b is actual parameter // calling function void add(int i,int j) where i & j are formal parameter // function body { } By Darshan Paliwal

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The function of the replace parameter in Oracle is to replace a sequence of characters in a string with other characters, usually in sets of characters.

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A formal perimeter refers to an identifier that is used in a method to stand for the value that is passed into the method by a caller. An actual perimeter on the other hand refers to the actual value that is passed into the method by a caller.

What does the cons function do in clojure?

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when the function is call by value,u are making any changes in formal parameter does not reflect the actuasl parameter.

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void as function return-type means no return value void as function parameter means no parameter void * as pointer type means generic pointer

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