

Best Answer

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>



char str[124],str_cpy[124];

char wrd[24];

void *ret;

int i,j,cnt_str,cnt_wrd,cnt_cpy,res = 0;

printf("Enter the string: ");

ret = gets(str);

printf("Enter word to remove: ");

ret = gets(wrd);


cnt_str = strlen(str);

cnt_wrd = strlen(wrd);

ret = strstr(str,wrd);

if(ret != NULL)


cnt_cpy = (unsigned int)ret -(unsigned int)str;


str_cpy[cnt_cpy - 1] = '\0';

strncat(str_cpy, (ret + cnt_wrd),(cnt_str - cnt_wrd));

strcpy(str, str_cpy);



else if(res == 0) printf("Word not found\n");

else goto last;

goto top;


printf("New string: %s\n",str);


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Q: Write a c program to delete word of string?
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what is if(!(str[i]==32))

Write a C program to extract a given word from a file?

program to extract a given word from a file

How to write Java program for find longest word in a string?

class LongestWord{String str = "Ram is intelligent boy";String stringArray[] = str.split("\\s");public String compare(String st1, String st2){if(st1.length()>st2.length()){return st1;}else{return st2;}}LongestWord(){String word = "";for(int i=0;i

Bluej program-read a string and check if the given string is a palindrome?

import java.util.Scanner; public class Palindrome{ public static void main(String[] args){ String front; String back =""; char[] failure; String backwards; Scanner input=new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a word: ");; front=front.replaceAll(" ", ""); failure=front.toCharArray(); for (int i=0; i&lt;failure.length; i++){ back=failure[i] + back; } if (front.equals(back)){ System.out.print("That word is a palindrome"); }else System.out.print("That word is not a palindrome"); }}

Write a program to copy the value of one string variable to another variable?

You can have two String variables (note that String variables are object references) refer to the same String object like so: String str1 = "Hello"; String str2 = str1; Now the str1 and str2 are references for the same String object containing the word "Hello". If you actually want a new String object with a copy of the contents of the original String, you use the String constructor that takes a String argument, like so: String str3 = new String(str1); Now str1 and str3 refer to SEPARATE String objects that happen to contain the same sequence of characters (the word "Hello"). Since Strings objects in Java are immutable, they can be shared without worrying about the contents used by one variable being upset by the use through another variable as might happen with char[] arrays in C or C++ so the first method is probably sufficient for most cases.

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