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#include #include #include #define max 10 struct node { int vertex; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node* nodeptr; typedef struct queue { int front,rear; int arr[max]; }; typedef struct stack { int top; int arr[max]; }; nodeptr getnode() { nodeptr p;p=(nodeptr)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p->next=NULL; return p; } int empty(struct stack *s) {if(s->top==-1) { return 1; }else return 0; } void push(struct stack *s,int x) {if(s->top==max-1)printf("\n Queue Overflow"); else {s->top++;s->arr[s->top]=x; } } int pop(struct stack *s) { int x;if(empty(s)) printf("\n Queue Overflow..!"); else {x=s->arr[s->top];s->top--; } return x; } int qempty(struct queue *q) {if(q->front > q->rear)return 1; else return 0; } void insertq(struct queue *q,int x) {if(q->rear==max-1)printf("\n Queue Overflow..1"); else {q->rear++;q->arr[q->rear]=x; } } int removeq(struct queue *q) { int x;if(qempty(q)) printf("\n Queue Overflow..!"); else {x=q->arr[q->front];q->front++; } return x; } void init(nodeptr head[],int n) { int v;for(v=1;v<=n;v++)head[v]=NULL; } void initialise_visit(int visited[],int n) { int i;for(i=1;i<=n;i++)visited[i]=0; } void create(nodeptr head[]) { nodeptr adj; char ch='y'; int i,v1,v2,v,c; nodeptr new1,p; printf("\n <0>Directed");printf("\n <1>UnDirected"); printf("\n Enter Your Choice:\t");scanf("%d",&c); do {printf("\n Enter The Edge Between Two Vertices:\t");scanf("%d%d",&v1,&v2);new1=getnode();new1->vertex=v2;p=head[v1]; if(p==NULL)head[v1]=new1; else {while(p->next!=NULL)p=p->next;p->next=new1; }if(c==1) {new1=getnode();new1->vertex=v1;p=head[v2]; if(p==NULL)head[v2]=new1; else {while(p->next!=NULL)p=p->next;p->next=new1; } } printf("\n Do You Want To Add More Edges In Graph(y/n):\t");ch=getche(); }while(ch=='y'ch=='Y'); } void display(nodeptr head[],int n) { int v;nodeptr adj; printf("\n Adjancency List Is:\n");for(v=1;v<=n;v++) {printf("\n Head[%d]->",v);adj=head[v]; while(adj!=NULL) { printf("%d ",adj->vertex);adj=adj->next; } printf("\n"); } } void DFSR(nodeptr head[],int start,int visited[]) { nodeptr adj;visited[start]=1; printf("\t %d",start); adj=head[start];while(adj!=NULL) {if(visited[adj->vertex]==0) {DFSR(head,adj->vertex,visited); } adj=adj->next; } } void DFSN(nodeptr head[],int start,int visited[]) { nodeptr adj; struct stack s; int v;;push(&s,99);visited[start]=1; printf("\n %d",start); push(&s,start);do { adj=head[start];while(adj!=NULL) {if(visited[adj->vertex]==0) {visited[adj->vertex]=1;printf("\t%d",adj->vertex);push(&s,adj->vertex);start=adj->vertex; break; } else adj=adj->next; }if(adj==NULL) {start=pop(&s); } }while(!empty(&s)); } void BFS(nodeptr head[],int start,int visited[]) { nodeptr adj; struct queue q; int v;q.front=0; q.rear=-1;visited[start]=1; printf("\n %d",start);insertq(&q,start);while(!qempty(&q)) {v=removeq(&q);adj=head[v]; while(adj!=NULL) { if(visited[adj->vertex]==0) { visited[adj->vertex]=1;printf("\t %d",adj->vertex); }adj=adj->next; } } } void main() {char c='y'; int ch,start,n,visited[10]; nodeptr head[10]; clrscr(); do {clrscr(); printf("\n========Graph========");printf("\n 1. Create"); printf("\n 2. Display Adjancency List"); printf("\n 3. Depth First Search(Rec)"); printf("\n 4. Depth First Search(Non-Rec)"); printf("\n 5. Breadth First Search"); printf("\n 6. Exit");printf("\n====================="); printf("\n Enter Your Choice:\t");scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n Enter The No. of Vertices In Graph:\t"); scanf("%d",&n);init(head,n); create(head);break; case 2: display(head,n);break; case 3: printf("\n Enter The Vertex From Which You Want To Start Traversal");scanf("%d",&start);initialise_visit(visited,n); printf("\n Recursive Depth First Search Is\n");DFSR(head,start,visited); break;case 4: printf("\n Enter The Vertex From Which You Want To Start Traversal");scanf("%d",&start);initialise_visit(visited,n); printf("\n Non-Recursive Depth First Search Is\n");DFSN(head,start,visited); break;case 5: printf("\n Enter The Vertex From Which You Want To Start Traversal");scanf("%d",&start);initialise_visit(visited,n);BFS(head,start,visited); break;case 6: break; } printf("\n Do You Want To Continue(y/n):\t"); c=getche(); }while(c=='Y'c=='y'); getch(); }

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