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Q: Write the copy constructor which apart from memberwise copying outputs the message that the constructor is called. what are the situations when the copy constructor is automatically invoked?
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Need of constructor in c plus plus?

There is no specific keyword for a constructor in C++. Simply define and declare a method of the class with the same name as the class and it will be a constructor. A constructor with no arguments is the default constructor, a constructor with one argument of class type is the copy constructor, and a constructor with one argument of some other type is the conversion constructor. You can provide other overloaded constructors if you want.

What is an construtor in c plus plus oops?

A constructor is a code segment that is invoked automatically whenever you instantiate an instance of a class. All non-primitive objects have at least one constructor but class designers can create as many constructors as required, giving consumers the freedom to construct objects more efficiently. If you don't declare any constructors, the compiler will generate both a default constructor (one that has no arguments) and a copy constructor for you. The purpose of a constructor is simply to initialise the class member variables. This is usually done via the class constructor initialisation list. Constructors also have a body (much like a function) which can be used to call methods of the class to perform more complex initialisations. However the initialisation list is the most efficient method, as it is not unlike initialising a primitive variable at the point of instantiation, rather than instantiating and initialising variables in two stages as you would with C. Constructors are also subject to access specifiers, but will usually be declared public unless the class is an abstract base class in which case they may be declared protected. Private access is typically used when declaring singleton classes (where construction is achieved via a static member method that instantiates the one and only instance of the class, which is itself declared a static member variable of the class). Note that copy constructors are invoked automatically whenever you pass objects to functions by value. Copying a derived object automatically invokes its base class copy constructors, while copying containers automatically invokes the embedded object copy constructors. This is why pass by reference (or via pointer) is the preferred method of passing objects into functions, as there is no need to reconstruct the object being passed.

When is parameterized constructor required in c?

A parametrised constructor is any constructor that accepts one or more arguments where the first argument has no default value. If all parameters have default values then the constructor is regarded as being a default constructor that is overloaded. The copy constructor is an example of a parametrised constructor. If you do not define your own, one is generated for you by the compiler, However, the compiler-generated copy constructor performs a member-wise copy. If your class contains member pointers to memory allocations that are owned by the class, this will result in two or more classes owning the same memory, which would prove disastrous when any one instance is destroyed (it will completely invalidate all other instances). Therefore you must provide your own copy constructor to ensure every instance of the class owns its own allocations, by deep copying the pointers (copying the memory being pointed at rather than just the pointers). Other than that, there is no requirement to provide any parametrised constructor. You only need to provide parametrised constructors when you want to provide an alternative method of construction. Note that if you declare any parametrised constructor, including a copy constructor, the compiler does not generate a default constructor for you. If you require one, then you must provide your own. The default constructor may be parametrised provided all parameters are assigned default values. As an example, consider the following simple class that has a default constructor (as well as a compiler-generated copy constructor): class simple { public: simple():m_data(0){} void setdata(const float data){m_data = data;} void setdata(const int data){m_data = ( float ) data;} private: float m_data; }; When we instantiate this class, the data member is initialised to 0. If we wish to change the data member, we must subsequently call one of the setdata() methods. However, it would be more efficient to set the data member when the class is instantiated. Therefore we should provide a parametrised default constructor: simple(float data=0):m_data(data){} We should also provide a parametrised constructor to cater for integers: simple(int data):m_data(( float ) data){} Now we no longer need to call setdata() to initialise the class as we can do it all via the constructors.

Why in copy constructor in c you use pass by reference?

Because if it's not by reference, it's by value. To do that you make a copy, and to do that you call the copy constructor. But to do that, we need to make a new value, so we call the copy constructor, and so on... (You would have infinite recursion because "to make a copy, you need to make a copy".)

Is copying cheating?

I think copying is not cheating forever.

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No, copying the dictionary is not plagiarism.

Is copying someone's idea copying?

plagiarism=without their permission

Is copying your C Drive on to an external drive the same as copying it on to an external drive?

Of course it would. If you are copying your C Drive onto an external drive, then are copying it to an external drive, aren't you?

What is software piracy vs legal copying?

Legal copying is licensed by the copyright holder, and software piracy is copying without permission.

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The duration of Copying Beethoven is 1.73 hours.