

Best Answer

That's not the factorial of any number. For a start, the factorial of any number greater than or equal to 2 is even, because of the factor 2. The factorial of any number greater or equal to five ends with 0.

Another answer:

I suspect the questioner meant to ask how to write 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 as a factorial. If so, then the answer is "8!"

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Q: Write this expression as a factorial 87654321?
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Write the Pseudocode to find the factorial of a number?

Pseudo code+factorial

Write a C-like program fragment that calculate the factorial function for argment 12 with do while loop?

#!/usr/bin/perl print factorial($ARGV[11]); sub factorial { my($num) = @_; if($num == 1) { return 1; # stop at 1, factorial doesn't multiply times zero } else { return $num * factorial($num - 1); # call factorial function recursively } }

How do you write a program that calculate factorial in javascript?

function factorial(n) { var x=1; while(n>1) x*=(n--); return x; }

Write a recursive procedure to compute the factorial of a number?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i, number=0, factorial=1; // User input must be an integer number between 1 and 10 while(number<1 number>10) { cout << "Enter integer number (1-10) = "; cin >> number; } // Calculate the factorial with a FOR loop for(i=1; i<=number; i++) { factorial = factorial*i; } // Output result cout << "Factorial = " << factorial << endl;

Write a program in java for factorial?

// Iterative solution public static final long iterativeFactorial(final long n) { long factorial = 1; for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) { factorial *= i; } return factorial; } // Recursive solution public static final long recursiveFactorial(final long n) { if (n <= 1) { return n; } return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1); } // Arbitrary length solution - may take a while, but works on any positive number. public static final BigInteger factorial(final BigInteger n) { BigInteger factorial = BigInteger.ONE; for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.ONE; i.compareTo(n) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) { factorial = factorial.multiply(i); } return factorial; }