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Q: Wt are the various purpose for which maps are used in our times?
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What are general-purpose maps used for?

General purpose (reference) maps are designed primarily for reference and navigation use. There are two types of general purpose maps: the topographic map and the road map or atlas. Both maps are used to identify specific features and give distance and elevation information.

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What is a special purpose used for?

Maps showing the location and distribution of a single phenomena/ or feature, or the relationship among several are known as special purpose maps or thematic maps such as Engineering maps, economic maps, hydrographic maps, geomorphologic maps, climatic maps, population maps, statistical maps, military maps, etc.

What are general purposes maps used for?

General purpose (reference) maps are designed primarily for reference and navigation use. There are two types of general purpose maps: the topographic map and the road map or atlas. Both maps are used to identify specific features and give distance and elevation information.

What is the purpose of fools gold?

There is no purpose to it. It is iron pyrite and is used in various ways.

What were maps used for in ancient times?

To trade, to navigate, to travel...

What is the purpose of the physical maps?

It is used to find a specific place on the map(location). It is also used to find the distance of a place.

What are the maps you use today?

There are many, many different maps, from maps that show landforms, cities, political boundaries, demographics, and countless other bits of information. Common maps that are used today are road maps, political maps (maps that show borders of countries, states, etc), aviation charts, and various atlases. Maps take on countless forms and projections.

What is the purpose of semiconductors?

Semiconductors are the materials that has conductivity higher than the insulator but lower than the metals. Can be used in various purpose i.e., LED, LASER also fabricating various ICs etc.

How many times purpose is used in the bible?

The word "purpose" is in the King James Version of the Bible 36 times. It is in 35 verses.

Why did people need to make maps in the past?

Maps are used by people in various reasons, like for them to know directions from a place to another, they also use this as a guide for them to not get lost

What is the purpose of a cartographer?

Today, there is less of a demand for a cartographer. Since the introduction to satellite imaging they have not been used. Originally, cartographers were people who drew maps.