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Your privacy setting is messed. Go to your account and click privacy setting and set it to adult.

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Q: Xbox live why are people who arent on my friends list muted?
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Can someone you muted hear you talk on Xbox live?

No, if you mute them they cannot hear you.

How do you know if someone has removed you from their friends list - Xbox live?

When you remove someone from your Xbox Live friends list, you are removed from their friends list and they are removed from yours.

Is a Xbox alike from the Xbox live?

if you are asking is a non xbox live diffrent from a xbox live acount its not alike a non xbox live cant have other friends chat with you and play with you an xbox live account can play with people and chat with them on a headset or if one of your friends has a konnect you can video chat

Xbox 360 what does headset do?

It is used for voice chat with friends and random people.

What would cause a Xbox 360 to stop playing sounds when a DVD is in?

The cause of a Xbox 360 to stop playing sounds when a DVD is in it could be that the sound is turned down or has been muted.

What is Xbox live co-op?

Xbox live co-op means that you can play a story or other missions other Xbox live with friends or random people.

How do you get back deleted Xbox live friends?

Sadly there is no way to get your friends back. It is completely useless to call or mail Xbox on this concern. They keep no records of deleted or preferred friends. All you can do is try and remember people on your friends list, look at their friends list and hope that they added your previous friends

Can you copy your friends Xbox games on to your Xbox?


How do you fix an xbox when it doesnt read games?

Check your disks, make sure they arent damaged, if they are not damaged send your xbox in for repairs

Why cant i talk to other people over xbox live who aren't my friends?

Your chat privacy setting may be switched to 'friends only'.

How has xbox affect people in a positive way?

It makes us take our minds off of the everyday hassel and the drama and everything that make people depressed and jut relax have some fun with friends take your mind away from the depression on how bad it is and have some fun with your friends and do what you want to do on xbox