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Ur 2 year old crys because u suck at being a parent.

-johny former



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14y ago
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11y ago

Of course a question like this cannot contain much more information than you give. But there is so much unknown that any response is pure speculation. My very first gut reaction was-- I wonder if this parent ever just listens to the girl, or when appropriate asks her about what she wants? A two year old doesn't have the skill to explain to a caregiver that there is a preference, something possibly far more appealing that what the caregiver is 'making' me do or accept. Sometimes she may even be confused because it is not clear what the alternatives are, and possibly she is not sure what to do with or how to think about what is being 'offered', or 'forced'. Now I'm not suggesting that you put her in charge of your family life; that clearly wouldn't be good. But perhaps just sitting back and listening, and doing basically nothing for a long time except listening, may give you at least some different insights into what is going on. I may be completely missing the mark; again, with so little information all I can do is speculate. One thing seems clear. For some reason, when you are in the frame of mind (yes-- not the action, but the frame of mind) of doing or trying to do for her, she picks up the energy and there are unpleasant associations for her. Kill that frame of mind, whatever it is and wherever it comes from, and you'll see changes in yourself and in her.

An alternative would be that you are doing appropriate things for her own good, and those things are not generally pleasant for a two year old. You may have expectations that are WAY too high that she will praise you and thank you profusely for insisting on a bath time, or bed time, for example.

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