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Q: Yesterday i put on a show with my band and this morning i started coughing blood. what could be the cause?
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Should you go see a doctor when you were just lying down and watching TV when you go a nose bleed and started coughing up blood?

Coughing Blood = YES

What are symptoms of lung damage?

coughing up blood or continuous coughing

Why is there often excessive sometimes blood tinged morning phlegm in it a nonsmoker?

It happens in the morning because your lungs is at rest and your throat is filled with phlegm and while your sleeping you cough up. coughing causes rupturing of cappilaries causing blood inyour phlegn it is basically hemoptysis.

You spit blood in morning n have met with a road accident yesterday and affected your left eye drastically swollen now What is the reason for blood spit?

Go to a doctor...immediately.

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It seems to be implantation bleeding if you already know you are pregnant, but since the question is very vague I really cant go beyond that.

You had a cold for three weeks then i started to spitting out blood only when you caugh hard?

The reason that you are coughing out blood when you cough hard is because when you cough hard, you damge the veins in your lungs which release blood, and as the blood needs to gos somewhere it goes out your mouth when you cough. I suggest not coughing so hard if you can or taking antibiotics or peniccilin to help relieve your cold.

What does the term hemoptysis refer to?

Coughing up of bloodThe coughing up of blood.Hemoptysis: Is a medical term for coughing up blood from the respiratory tract. hope that helps =)

What is the haemoptysis?

Haemoptysis is the coughing up of blood. The blood is usually from the lungs.

Does coughing cause blood vessels to rupture?

Normal coughing does not cause problems with blood vessels. However, persistent coughing and very hard coughing, especially in bronchitis or pneumonia, can cause very small capillaries to leak a small amount of blood. Conditions like Tuberculosis can also cause blood to be coughed up. Blood when you cough is always considered a serious symptom that should be checked by a doctor.

My girlfriend passed out randomly hit her head on the tub and started coughing up blood the next night she started coughing and got dizzy again what is wrong?

She definitely needs to see a doctor. This could be anything from a virus to cancer. She could have had a nosebleed that was causing her to cough up blood, but she needs to find out why she is passing out. It could be from low blood sugar, from a vasovagal response, from anemia. There are just too many things that could be going on.

Is coughing up blood a sign of a closed wound?


Is coughing up blood scary for you all?
