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What is the place that the cat uses most? put the kitty litter box in that place and day by day move it closer to the spot you would like it to be.

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Q: You adopted a cat last week He is a year and a half He isn't using the litter box instead is going on the carpet in hidin area's How can you get him to use the litter box?
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Where do Slater bugs live?

Slaters mostly inhabit moist areas and are commonly found under rocks and logs, in leaf litter in forested areas and in the garden. Some species are found in the semiarid regions of inland Australia and several introduced species are common inhabitants of suburban areas commonly living in compost heaps and other moist situations.

How do you stop your puppy from chewing on the carpet?

Bitter apple spray worked well for us, but it was one or two specific areas of the carpet. It may not be a feasible solution if it is a very large area that's being chewed on. Should be able to find it at any pet store and places like Wal-Mart and Target.

How long will mother raccoon be under your deck with her babies?

Raccoons drop their litters in the early spring and the kitts stay with the mothers for 3 to six months in southern areas. In more northern climates they can and often will stay with the mother until the next litter in due.

Do squirrel monkeys hibernate?

No, squirrel monkey's do not hibernate. They do not live in an areas that has winter conditions such as rain forests.

Do cats act spiteful by not going in their litter boxes?

If a cat does not use its litter box, then something is probably stressing or bothering the animal. Perhaps the box has been moved recently, or a new type of litter is being used. The cat could also be ill, or trying to adjust to a new environment, food or owner. Cats are sensitive animals, and even slight alternations in their world confuse and irritate them. It may appear as if the cat is being spiteful, but chances are it is not seeking revenge. Cats use urine and feces to mark their territory, so a cat that is ignoring its box is probably trying to compensate for some stressor in its habitat by "claiming" areas of the house. Here's one way to address the problem: Try to make your home a calm, inviting place for your cat, a haven where its routine is rarely disturbed.

Related questions

How does litter affect where we live?

Litter is a problem because it damages areas where we live, work and play areas for children.

How does litter affect the economy?

it causes crime in areas that have litter. the places that have litter around messier places to live.

What do you call someone who lays carpet?

A carpet layer .

How can you repair your home carpet?

You can repair your home carpet by patching torn areas with damaged rugs.

What is carpet -bombed?

Not sure if you mean carpet-bombing, the process of having no targeting for bombs. Example would be not just hitting a captial building, but the rest of the city as well as areas outside the city. If you mean carpet-bombed, then it probably means a place that has carpet-bombing happened to it.

Where is the company known as kiwi carpet cleaning based?

Kiwi Carpet Cleaning is a carpet cleaning company based in Austin, Texas. This company does residential carpet cleaning in Austin and the surrounding areas.

Is litter a verb or an adjective?

The word litter is a verb (litter, litters, littering, littered) and a noun (litter, litters). Examples:Verb: When people litter public areas, it show a lack of respect for others.Noun: Wind blown litter was piling up at the end of the alley.Noun: Our cat had a litter of kittens.Noun: We'll need a lot more cat litter as those kittens mature.Noun: They placed the wounded man on a litter.

What is better tile or carpet?

Tile is better for 'wet' areas (kitchen, bathroom, laundry, entranceway) but carpet is better for 'dry' areas (dining room, lounge/living room, bedrooms, hallways).

Do you have any jobs for carpet cleaners?

Jobs as carpet cleaners frequently become available particularly in highly populated areas. A carpet cleaner must be strong but it does not require a lot of education.

What is the life of carpet in a rental?

The average life of a carpet in a rental is 10 years. However, some areas have laws in place that require landlords to change out carpet whenever a tenant moves out.

What is the use of the Coronet carpet?

Coronet carpet is great for high-traffic areas. It is a great carpet for families with children since it is a long wearing carpet and will withstand a lot of punishment over many years without breaking down.

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