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I would not be concerned at this point. You are just 15 and boys will continue to grow until approximately 21.

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Q: You are 15 you grew quite a lot but you don't know if your done growing and your penis is still barely 3 inches will it grow Will there be more growth spurts to come?
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Related questions

What age do you get your growth spurt?

It varies from person to person, but in general, people are done growing by the time they are 21. Growth spurts generally happen after puberty.

How tall will a five foot two and a half twelve year old white male be?

If a male is five feet two inches tall at 12, he will likely be around five feet 10 inches tall when he is done growing. This depends on genes, and his growth spurts.

When you start puberty do you get heavier?

Yes you should. During puberty you go through growth spurts and gaining weight is part of growing.

When does growth spurts happen for boys?

It usually depends once a boy hits puberty they tend to have a growth spurt and some growth spurts happen at the most uncommon times they can grow until there up to 20live years old but normally they will have most growth spurts between 13 to 18

Why aren't you growing even though you are hitting puberty?

Growth spurts happen at different ages for everyone. It's a range of ages, not a specific age.

How do yo get growth spurts?

wait. they come randomly.

Is there a way to cure people with growth spurts?

no they will die

Which part of the brain controls growth spurts?


Why is it an indication of puberty for girls?

chest growing-hurts when it hits something or running/jumping, discharge, pubic hair, under arm hair, period, and growth spurts.

When do girls have their last growth spurt?

The last growth spurt for girls is after one year of puberty. Most of the girls have their growth spurts when they are 12. It lasts for 2 years. They grow 3 inches per year. Then the growth of girls slow down. Growth spurt happens when they are in tanner stage 3 or 4. After girls get their periods , they usually grow about an inch or two. You can calculate your tanner stage in growing up in the lord website.

What does it feel like to grow?

Growing pains are real. Also, children tend to grow in leaps and spurts. Every time one of my kids gets ravenous and sleepy, I know a growth spurt is probably brewing. Growing requires nutrition and rest. My kids might put on a little extra weight during growth spurts, then suddenly grow an inch taller. Growth is often felt as aches or itchiness, especially in the female breasts and the large bones of the legs.

Can a 5' 7 15-year-old boy grow 2 or 3 more inches in height?

growth spurts usually stop at 18 so definetly