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You are in the "overweight" category by the BMI calculator. You could still be healthy though if, for instance, you have an abnormally high amount of muscle.

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Q: You are 5 foot 7 and you weigh 172 is that normal?
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Yes it is very normal to be that size. ya that's like in the normal range, im 13 and i weigh 145 pounds and im 5 foot 8

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I think its pretty normal.You?My kids classmates are about that.

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yes! thats perfect

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NO!!!!The normal weight is 123-132lb

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it's great!

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A normal 5 foot 2 inch girl should weigh between 100 and 135 lbs. If you have never weighed over 85 lbs during your 13 years, then you probably are not anorexic, you are just small for your age. If you are concerned, you should speak to your pediatrician about your weight.

How much should a 5 foot kid weigh?

100 is the average weight a 5 foot person. However 10 lbs less or more is also completely normal. Depending on how much muscle the person has then they will be heavier.

What is 5' 8'' in cm?

5 foot 8 inches = 68 inches = 172.7 centimeters (cm)